Blue Story DVD Cover

Blue Story DVD Cover

CoverCity - DVD Covers & Labels - Blue Story

Blue story is a film aimed at a British audiences and its main goal is to show and educate people about the UK gang lifestyles that many young people take on in the UK, the film does a great job at explaining and showcasing why young people get involved in gangs however it does not glorify it in anyway as it shows the consequences of living such a lifestyle. The film is set where 2 friends turn against each other due to the areas that they are from.

The DVD Cover [Front Cover]

On the front cover the first thing a person would see is the title card and also the 2 main characters standing facing away from each other. Firstly, the title card is a bright yellow colour to make it pop and stand up from all of the rest of the colours and objects in the poster. This bright colour is used to make the title as visible as possible and one could argue that it would also stand out with the dull landscape and buildings in many British cities on billboard and on busses. The Yellow colour itself is often seen as being a symbol of happiness but it is also helps to provoke strong analytic thinking within a person which would be useful when watching this film.

The 2 main characters are facing away from each other, this used to symbolise the two different gangs facing in opposite directions, being opposite and against each other. The clothing that the characters are also wearing could be seen as a connotations and linked to UK street / gang culture as those are the types of clothes that would be seen to be wore by them.  

In the background behind the characters you can see a skyscraper that would be regularly seen in the UK which helps to set the setting for the viewer as they would be able to possible recognise it and instantly know that this film is based in the UK. Another thing that is in the background of the characters if fire, fire is something that is commonly linked with danger and violence which would perfectly describe the dangers that consists with participating in a gang. 

The colour pallet of the front cover of the DVD is also quite dark and grey from the clothing that the characters are wearing. The colour black has connotations of danger, death and violence which all take place within the film and uk gang culture. However the colour can also create a sense of mystery about the meaning of the film and make the viewer question what the director wants to show through this film

The DVD Cover [Back Cover]

The back cover of the DVD follows the conventional use of the back cover where it is mainly used to show parts of a couple scenes in the movie to give the viewer something to look forward to. The dominant colour of blue and yellow is something that would defiantly stand out on the shelves in shops.

The back of the DVD cover also includes giving credit to the cast and the production teams that worked on the creation of the film including BBC Films.


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